Strato 2020

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    The History of Strato
21st Century Strato

Holbrook, NY, 2002-2003

A few years passed, a new millennium began, and we were without the game we love. Then in 2002 Mike and Dan decided that the time had come to start a new league. The Classic Strato format had been a resounding success so it was decided that that format would be used in the new league. Dan and Mike recruited Joe, John, and Eugene.

To kick off the new league it was determined that the 1975 season would be played. This being the first season, the reasoning was that using the players of our youth would add to the enjoyment of the new league. On September 24, 2002 the first and only draft of 21st Century Strato was held at the Compound in Holbrook, NY, the same location where Strato was introduced to the natives of Holbrook 23 years earlier.

The league was disbanded about halfway through. The last standings I found in my records are from January 7, 2003:
Mike 43 26 .623 -
Dan 36 27 .571 4
Eugene 29 34 .460 11
Joe 29 37 .439 12.5
John 22 35 .386 15

I don't recall any details of that one season of 21st Century Strato aside from how it ended. One Strato night sometime later in 2003 Mike, John and Eugene showed up to the Compound. They were greeted by Joe and Dan who said they had a "great idea." We'd stop playing Strato and instead would start a weekly poker game. Thus, the Holbrook Strato League ended, and the League of Gentlemen Gamblers was founded.

Side note: The League of Gentlemen Gamblers is still in existence 17 years later. Dan Falcone, one of the founders of the poker game, has never played.

