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John Deodato  posted the following message  6/19/2024 3:02:44 PM:
That was me
Dan Falcone  posted the following message  6/6/2024 8:08:39 PM:
Some one once told me that Tony Nun broke their heart.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  5/18/2024 11:29:53 AM:
First there was the Sports Illustrated curse. Then there was the Madden curse. Add Tony Nun to that list. Last season he sings John’s praises. John barely hangs on to a playoff spot and then losses his playoff series. This season he lauds Frank who promptly goes into a tailspin. How many lives must this Nun character destroy before he is stopped?
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  5/7/2024 9:43:21 AM:
Tony Nun speaks and Frank gets swept in a four-game series, losing each game by a 1-0 score. Tony, I'd like to paraphrase the Fresh Prince and say, 'keep my team's name out of your mouth.' Thanks in advance.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  5/6/2024 10:23:15 AM:
Jesus, I go away for a long vacation and when I come back Frank is kicking everyone's ass? Led by Bob Apodoca? And here I thought we had at least until Nov. 5 before the Apocalypse.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  4/12/2024 6:28:29 AM:
I just looked over the posted draft results for the new season and I have to wonder.

Where have you gone, Roger Freed?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Doesn't quite roll off the tongue as Simon and Garfunkel sang, but it kind of makes you wonder.
Roger not defending his triple crown, so sad.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/28/2024 11:33:29 AM:
Oh and by the way, Freed became only the second player ever to win the Triple Crown. He joins Ted Williams as the only players man enough to accomplish this feat.

Speaking of Triple Crown winners, I wonder what Secretariat's Strato card would look like. Would I be able to hide him at first base in order to get his bat into the lineup?
Joe Agostino  posted the following message  3/28/2024 11:18:08 AM:
Roger Freed, Broderick Perkins and Sidd Finch walk into a bar. Finch orders a Bourbon for himself and two Mocktails for his companions. He lifts his glass and toasts, “I may be fictional but at least I didn’t cheapen a once noble game. And Roger Freed probably takes it in the can.”
While Freed shifts his feet smirking, Perkins looks hurt, “What the hell did I do to get in this joke? I was beloved”

And now you are a bad punchline in a nonsensical joke. Thanks Roger Freed.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/28/2024 10:52:48 AM:
Joe Agostino did not enter the record book. His grinch-like attitude and misguided rules proposal would have prevented the Strato community from witnessing one of the most beautiful sights the world has ever seen: Roger Freed's glorious season.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/28/2024 10:50:31 AM:
No all-time single-season records were broken this season, but several players added their names to the record books. Most of these players are named Roger Freed, but a few others distinguished themselves as well.

- Joe Morgan and Roger Freed each scored 115 RUNS, the third most all-time. They knocked Mickey Mantle (season 4) and Babe Ruth (season 6) off the ledger.

- Roger Freed's 203 HITS are the fourth best ever. He replaces Al Simmons (season 7).

- Roger Freed and Garry Templeton each hit 21 TRIPLES, tying the third most ever.

- Reggie Smith's .434 OB% is the third highest ever. He knocks Mickey Mantle (season 7) off the list.

- Roger Freed's 407 TOTAL BASES is the second highest total ever. He just missed Hank Aaron's all-time record (413), set last season. Roger knocks Rod Carew (season 4) off the list.

- Roger Freed's .698 SLUGGING PERCENTAGE was oh so close to Aaron's record (.699 set way back in season 2).
Joe Agostino  posted the following message  3/27/2024 7:25:16 PM:
I was considering joining the next year but I don’t like the restrictions on relief pitchers. I can understand it but if you have a pitcher restriction, why not have a hitters rule too? A Roger Freed rule? That asshole has made a mockery of the game.
You would never see such things in Corn Hole-O-Matic. It’s a pure sport.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  3/26/2024 9:51:06 AM:
Those 'If/Then' 'For/Next' loops can be a pain.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/25/2024 11:15:06 AM:
Thank you Eugene for catching this database glitch. The accounting error has been rectified and the books are now correctly balanced. To thank you the league will be sending you a voucher for two free seats for the postseason game of your choosing. Restrictions apply.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  3/25/2024 9:57:58 AM:
In golf, if you attest to an incorrect score, you are disqualified. The Murder Hornets have play 163 games, one more than the schedule states.
Was this a playoff game or were the Murder Hornets sandbagging their stats?
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  3/19/2024 7:19:25 AM:
Looks like my record for losses in a season is not in any jeopardy of being broken.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/7/2024 12:00:50 PM:
Eugene, please preface all questions with, 'first time, long time.' Excellent question. Freed would actually be the second player in history to win the Triple Crown. Back in Season 10, while playing for Dan, Ted Williams accomplished this feat.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  3/7/2024 10:24:54 AM:
Can Roger Freed be the first player to win the Triple Crown in Strato history?
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  2/14/2024 9:40:05 AM:
The modern day record for longest game was broken yesterday when the Sox and Sharks played a 22 inning marathon. This game surpassed a Season 1, 21 inning contest between the Murder Hornets and teamEugene.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  2/9/2024 11:03:02 PM:
As of this writing:

The difference between John and and rest is pitching. For instance, the Sharks lean on their starters. That team's workhorse is John Candelaria (5.40 ERA). Not great, but he hands the ball to Bruce Sutter (3.05 ERA). His 1-11 record hides the fact that every win for the other team is a grind. Making them tired. Making them lose every Sharks series.

In contrast, the second-place, Senior .500, the Kid Who Laid Down Sacrifice Bunts, the middle-of-the-road, don't ruffle-feathers Mike, likes his relievers too much and relies on six-innings-and-out Don Aase to not eat up innings. Don Aase is his ace? Thank God he has Dave Tomlin throwing up in the bullpen.

Well done, Sharks, once again. I'm almost worried that John's players will wear down from playing so many playoff games season after season.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  1/25/2024 2:35:02 PM:
Black Sox through 108 games:
54-54 record
27-27 at home
27-27 away
18-18 vs. Sharks
18-18 vs. Murder Hornets
18-18 vs. Eunice
Roger Freed: priceless

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