Strato 2020

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Classic Strato - For the Glove of the Game

Holbrook, NY, 1998-1999

Classic Strato's three seasons took place over a two-year period (1998-1999). Those three seasons moved along swiftly and are a rich part of Strato's illustrious history.

Dan won the Season 1 championship, besting Mike in a 7-game World Series. Dan was led by a monster season for Ted Williams. Williams was the league MVP and won the Triple Crown with 42 HR and 131 RBI to go along with a .353 batting average.

Season 2 saw Classic Strato's first and only expansion as Joe Agostino came on board. Joe had finished in first place in each of the six seasons he played in the original league. And he picked up right where he left off, finishing atop the standings in his first foray into Classic Strato. He put the cherry on top by besting Glenn in a 7-game World Series. In game 7 Glenn had the tying run on third base in the 9th inning. But alas, he was unable to get the run across the plate. Years later he would still lament, "Manny Mota being stranded 90 feet away."

Season 3 was the last for Classic Strato. Joe dropped out and we were back to Classic Strato's original three franchises. After playing the 1941 and 1954 seasons in the first two seasons, the boys decided to play a modern season. They chose the most recent season, 1998. The most significant story of Classic Strato Season 3 was how it ended. For the final game of Classic Strato was game 6 of the World Series between Mike and Dan. And the winner was... Mike. Finally, a championship for the man who had a monkey perched firmly on his back for the last 11 seasons.

Sometime during the course of Classic Strato Glenn suffered a stroke. According to Strato's elder statesman his doctor assured him the stroke was not caused by Glenn's smoking. Regardless of the cause, one of the effects of the stroke was that Glenn's right hand was constantly cold. To remedy this, he took to wearing one glove. This made game play somewhat difficult for the right-handed Glenn as basic tasks such as flipping cards and keeping a scorecard were encumbered by his covered digits.

His physical limitations did little to quash Glenn's enthusiasm for the game. Mike and Dan still recall hours long telephone calls where Glenn would go over his stats in painstaking detail. Everything down to him telling you that "you've outscored me 40 to 35 in the fifth inning of our games, but in the 6th inning..."

After Season 3, due to his health issues, Glenn moved to Florida thus ending his Strato career. Without Glenn there was no way to sustain Classic Strato and the league folded. For the next three years all was silent on the Strato front. Until it wasn't.

