Strato 2020

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    League Leaders
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    Hall of Champions
    Season Re-Caps
    Hitting Records
    Pitching Records
    Team Records
    Strato 2020 Records
    All-Time Standings
    All-Time Post-Season
    Strato 2020 All-Time Standings
    MVP/Cy Young Awards
    No Hitters
    Baseball Cards
    The History of Strato
We're back... Again...

I started putting pen to paper and writing the History of Strato in 1998. After writing the first 13 chapters (up to Season 4) I took a break. I picked it up again in 2002. My intention at that time was to take us through the conclusion of the original league, through Classic Strato, and then into 21st Century Strato.

I managed to get through all of the original league and document the origins of Classic Strato. But I didn't get into a detailed breakdown of Classic Strato or the failure that was 21st Century Strato. Now I plan to rectify that and make this a complete accounting of Strato in all its incarnations.

Though over 20 years have passed since Classic Strato I will do my best to recall the details of the three seasons of that league. I will also try to do my best my recall the one incomplete season of 21st Century Strato.

But wait, that's not all. For all these years later there's a new chapter to be written. A chapter about a new era in Strat-O-Matic Baseball as it pertains Holbrook, NY in the Latter Part of the Twentieth (and now, Twenty-First) Century. The story of Strato 2020: the league that grew out of a pandemic. So put on your face mask, and practice good social distancing as you stroll through the next chapters of our story. Bon appetite.

Michael Aquilina
August 24, 2020
South Setauket, NY

