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Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  4/27/2023 2:55:07 PM:
I guess that since Tony Nun went vegan he no longer can chew the fat on the message board.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/30/2023 3:54:38 PM:
The modern major league record for HBP in a season is 50 (Ron Hunt, 1971). Ron Hunt of the Black Sox has broken this record. Hunt has been plunked 52 times thus far. After breaking the record Hunt was quoted as saying, “take that Hunt.” When reminded that this quote wasn’t very sportsmanlike, Hunt replied, “what’s he going to do, hit me?”
Tony Nun  posted the following message  3/21/2023 5:24:06 PM:
The Black Sox are on the move! Finally! Does anyone else smell fourth place in a five-team division? Hello!
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/16/2023 10:57:32 AM:
Our analytics team determined that we were missing just one piece: Duke Sims. With the signing of The Duke the Black Sox are poised to make Strat-O-Matic history by leap-frogging all other teams and climbing to the top of the mountain. How's that for a mixed metaphor? What is this Prof. Agostino's freshman writing seminar? I submit that it is not. It is war and Duke Sims is the generalissimo of destruction.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  3/15/2023 10:22:31 AM:
Little known fact: Ted Abernathy changed his pitching motion from an overhead delivery to a three-quarter delivery after tearing two muscles in his shoulder making a throw from the outfield during his freshman year of high school. After shoulder surgery in 1959 left his career in doubt, he switched from the three-quarter delivery and become an effective sidearmer who developed a submarine pitch.[
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  3/14/2023 4:02:17 PM:
I was looking at Eunice’s pitching rotation and I saw that it could go Fingers-Blue-Wilson. Or it could go Splitorff-Fingers-Blue. No matter how you slice it there are some shenanigans going on in the Eunice showers. That Flank is one sick bastard.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  3/8/2023 7:20:25 AM:
Little known fact: Dick Dietz was featured prominently in a controversial umpiring decision during the 1968 season. Dietz was facing Don Drysdale, who was pitching a consecutive scoreless inning streak. The bases were loaded when Dietz was apparently struck by a pitched ball, but the home plate umpire, Harry Wendelstedt, did not grant Dietz first base on the little enforced rule of not trying to avoid the pitch. Dietz was then retired along with the following batters by Drysdale, keeping the scoreless streak alive.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  3/2/2023 11:34:44 AM:
Seeing that the JC All-Stars! have been shut out in three of their last four games reminds me of an old baseball story . . .

The year was 1934 and American baseball greats visited Japan to barnstorm. The U.S. easily won 15 of 16. During some of the games, Babe Ruth was in rightfield with an umbrella and Lou Gehrig was at first in galoshes, all the Americans joking around, insulting their outmatched foes. Until, that is, a high school boy named Eiji Sawamura almost shut them out, losing, 1-0, on a ninth-inning homer by Gehrig. Eiji became a national hero and thousands paid their respects upon his death. At age 26. In WWII.

Oh well! As the Nips say in Japland, Sayonara!
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  2/24/2023 1:08:30 PM:
In addition to Justin Pope, there was Johnny Priest who played 2B for the Yankees (1911-12) and Max Bishop who played 2B for Philadelphia (1924-35). A Priest, a Bishop and a Pope. But not one Rabbi to be found. Oy vey.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  2/23/2023 5:33:05 PM:
Little known fact: Justin Pope, the last Pope in baseball history, is currently a pitching coach who once played in the Yankees' farm system. Though he couldn't be elected dog catcher (he's a cat man) perhaps the Black Sox can use his expertise after the franchise has fallen behind the lowly JC All-Stars! in the standings. Or just tell Willie Stargell he's getting a pay cut: 'We can come in last place without you, pal.'
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  2/22/2023 12:02:07 PM:
Coming soon... All-Star voting. The polls will open when all teams have reached 84 games played. Mr. Nun and Mr. Cucinello are registered voters. I haven't been this excited since the last Pope was elected.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  2/18/2023 4:45:26 PM:
But Fran Healy was no Tim McCarver. And now, neither is Tim McCarver.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  2/17/2023 7:17:42 AM:
Little known fact: Fran Healy while with the Royals in 1973 and 1974, he caught Steve Busby's two career no-hitters, against the Detroit Tigers and Milwaukee Brewers
Tony Nun  posted the following message  2/14/2023 4:36:31 PM:
Eugene seems to be obsessed with Latino players named after generals. Who is next? Patton Oswaldo?
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  2/14/2023 10:33:51 AM:
Little known fact: Cesar Tovar, nicknamed 'Pepito' and 'Mr. Versatility'. In 1968, he became only the second player in MLB history to play all nine field positions during a single game.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  2/13/2023 3:51:06 PM:
Breaking News: Ron Hunt has broken the all-time HBP record. Don Gullett plunked the pesky third-baseman in the 5th inning of yesterday's contest, giving Hunt 28 HBPs on the season.

It has taken Hunt 66 games to best the old record which was jointly held by Minnie Minoso (Old league, season 1) and Jason Kendall (Classic Strato, season 3).

With 94 games remaining in the Black Sox season how many more sore ribs and bruised buttocks will Hunt endure?
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  2/12/2023 6:25:23 AM:
Scipio ended his career with a record of 7-11. When we moved to New Jersey we went to a 7-11 to buy beer. Turns out they don’t sell beer in 7-11 in NJ. Coincidence? Do the math.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  2/11/2023 5:51:14 PM:
You bastard! I've been working on that joke for a day and a half and you rattle one off on first whim! Michael Spinks (no relation to Scipio, but Leon's younger brother) beat Larry Holmes, then 48-0, one short of the Rock's all-time undefeated heavyweight record of 49-0 (thanks Michael!), to become heavyweight champ before Mike Tyson pummeled him to near death in 91 seconds, the only defeat of Michael Spinks' career. Yeah, he laid down, but left with his head intact and millions in the bank. But back to Scipio Spinks: He was traded from the Astros to the Cardinals for Jerry Reuss in April, 1972. In July, trying to score on a double as a pinch runner, he ran into Johnny Bench, tore ligaments in his right knee, and was never the same. Reuss, the white guy, would go on to pitch another 18 years. And that's the rest of the story.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  2/11/2023 7:13:26 AM:
Interesting. Leon Spinks said something similar but nobody understood him.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  2/10/2023 12:48:04 PM:
Little known fact: Scipio Spinks could trace his first name to Scipio Africanus Major, a Roman general who defeated the Carthage leader Hannibal in the Battle of Zama on the north coast of Africa in 202 BC.
“Spinks said the first male child in his father’s family has been named Scipio for a number of generations,” “I’m at least Scipio Spinks the sixth,” he said.

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