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Tony Nun  posted the following message  8/25/2023 3:21:59 PM:
Hey, Eugene? You out there? Apparently Commie Mike sent out voting for MVP and Cy Young. And they stole the award from Don Gullett! Will you stand for this? No one told me. Did they tell you? Do I stand alone?
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  8/23/2023 2:35:22 PM:
A couple of team record book notes:

The Black Sox shattered the old record for team HBP. Their 102 HBP broke the old record of 67 (set back in season 3). Ron Hunt's 68 HBP would have broken the record without any help from his teammates.

Eunice's .260 team batting average is a new record. They broke the old record set all the way back in season 1 by .001 (.259). The JC All-Stars came close at .258.

Eunice fell 4 runs short of tying the all-time record for runs scored by a team.

The Sharks missed the ERA record by 0.02 (2.93 - 2.95).
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  8/22/2023 4:03:56 PM:
A few players made it into the all-time single-season record book this season. Most of those players are named Hank Aaron:

The Hammerin' One accomplished the following:
- Tied the most-ever HRs with 65
- Broke the record for most Total Bases (413)
- 2nd most Runs (118) and Extra Base Hits (96)
- 3rd most RBI (140)

Glenn Beckert added his name to the following entries in the record book:
- Most singles in a season (180)
- 2nd most hits (214)

Of course the most impressive record broken this season was
Ron Hunt's 68 HBP

A couple of pitchers entered broke the ERA records:
- Nelson Briles' 2.31 is the lowest ever for a starting pitcher
- Jim Brewer's 1.51. is the lowest ever for a reliever
Tony Nun  posted the following message  8/20/2023 2:00:02 PM:
Dante's 10th circle of hell. Nice touch. He had to look that up, folks, and he did Dante one better.

Dante. He's Maltese, right? Or was that Vanderbilt from F-Troop?

JC All-Stars! move a notch, two rungs up the ladder to further distance that woebegone team from the soulless Black Sox, the scum and rodents and bird shit on the patio team from hell that could not have a worse GM, who picks, apparently, blindfolded out of a hat with big-busted girls cheering him on, off a busy street in Bed-Stuy, on a breezy, sunny day in early spring, when the vegan restaurants put up their flags to blow in the wind, where the cops share their wisdom with interlopers.
Mr. Black Sox has no clue. Good luck next year, Black Sox, when John wins the union election for commissioner.

Thank you for your service, though . . . I guess.

Prediction: Next year Dan and John start their own secret league and hire Mike to labor on accounting details for no money and no time constraints.

As Judas said to Peter after Jesus was killed: 'Well, 30 pieces of silver won't buy you love, but two whores and a bottle of booze ain't a bad consolation prize, know what I'm saying there, Mr. Sadclown face, Mr. Petey Pete-sonator from St. Petersburg? Ha! you crack me up! Let's get a drink! On me!
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  8/8/2023 11:14:17 AM:
A sequel to Mr. Nun's one-act play.

Mike Aquilina wakes up, looks at the calendar and realizes that today is the day he'll play Dan and end the torture that has been this season. He can barely contain his glee in the realization that he'll never have to see the likes of his ragtag bunch of underperformers. After these four games he'll put the 25 losers in a shoebox never to be looked at again. The phone rings...

MIKE: Oh hi John... what's that? We hold on to the same players and play season after season with the same guys? So if I have another 90-loss season and despise the sight of my players I'm stuck putting them in my lineup for the next seven seasons?

Fade to Dante's 10th circle of hell.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  8/5/2023 2:05:27 PM:
A one-act play: WE ARE FAMILY

SETTING: Mike and Becky's place, somewhere in New Jersey.

Mike Aquilina gets up in the morning, pees, makes coffee, checks the weather, checks for any messages, arranges breakfast, and finally signs on to the Strato website.

MIKE: Jesus, Dan still hasn't posted his stats. Why am I doing all the work when I'm in last place?
BECKY: You're mumbling again. And wipe that drool off your face! Oh, another thing . . .


BECKY: Wait, I have to take this. (Getting on phone.) Oh hi John! . . . yes, Mike is here . . . no, he's about to eat breakfast, but he hasn't begun eating his words yet, no . . . OK, see you then. CLICK.
MIKE: Uh, you know I could hear you . . .
BECKY: (Ignoring him) John says not only will he come over to make you eat your words, but he'll also make you kiss his championship ring.
MIKE: John wears jewelry? I always thought he was against that.
BECKY: Really! That's where you're going with this! You need help.
MIKE: Yeah! Exactly! I'm only eight Willie Stargells away from enjoying this.

Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  8/2/2023 10:04:12 AM:
It appears that this forum is just Tony Nun, John and Mike bantering about. Occasionally Eugene will pepper in an interesting tidbit. Do Joe and Frank even know that there's a message board feature on this website? I highly doubt that Dan knows about the message board. I mean he doesn't even know that there's feature to track injuries.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  8/2/2023 6:35:10 AM:
Mr. Nun mentioned 4 of the league’s 5 teams in his latest opinion piece. How about a little love for the Black Sox, Tony Boy? The Sox have 12 games scheduled for today as they continue their quest to put this pathetic season behind them. But what if they sweep those 12 games? Sure the only sweeping they’ve done this season is sweeping the stink of loss after loss off of the clubhouse floor. But what if…? Could you imagine the Sox rising from the ashes to return to the Promised Land? If you believe such things are possible, I have four sunny rooms in Tel Aviv for you. One twenty-five nine.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  8/1/2023 1:45:02 PM:
BTW, looked like a competitive series between the Sharks and Eunice to close out July. John ho-hummed the first two wins (7-3 aggregate) but Frank slapped him around the last two (18-2 tally). Frank has hope. Dan has given up. I'm looking forward to only two things this season: One, that John wins it all. Two, that the Jesus Christ All-Stars! reach .500. I mean, give a little effort. Jesus.
John Deodato  posted the following message  7/22/2023 1:58:56 PM:
Well Mr Nun nothing and i mean nothing gets past you, but if your interested play the 77 season with us get a feel for the game. then make Hockey pucks out of us if we decide to do the 7 season test of champions.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  7/22/2023 1:10:42 PM:
The alleged 'Hockey Puck' killed everybody in the league this season, and now he's giving advice on how to change the change the rules in his favor? I like it. Forward thing, Mr. Shark. As a judge in these matters I always lean on parables from the lips of Mr. Warmth:

“Sinatra was headlining at the Sands, and I was with this girl having dinner in the lounge. She wasn’t anybody I would bring home to my mother, but I really wanted to score big. Frank was in the lounge at his table with Lena Horne and some other celebrities and all his security guards. And my date says, ‘My God, there’s Frank Sinatra! Do you know him?’

“I said, ‘Sure, he’s a friend of mine.’ Which he was. But I made it sound like my whole life. ‘We’re like brothers!’ She didn’t believe me. So I said, ‘Wait here, sweetheart,’ and I went over to Frank’s table. ‘What do you want, Bullethead?’ he said. That was his nickname for me. I told him I was trying to impress this girl and would he do me a very big favor and come over and just say hello. He said, ‘For you, Bullethead, I’ll do it.'”

“Five minutes later, Sinatra strolled over and said, ‘Don, how the hell are you?’

“And Don Rickles looked up and replied, ‘Not now, Frank. Can’t you see I’m with somebody?'”

In other words, it sounds like this league needs some dusting of the cobwebs.
John Deodato  posted the following message  7/15/2023 12:17:15 PM:
Hello men King Shark AKA hockey puck here to run an idea we here at the research and development dept have been tossing around. The strato-matic company has in its stock 7 consecutive seasons from 1960 -1966. The idea is that we start at 1960 hold a draft at the end the season we start the 61 season but each team remains the same we retain our players from the previous season hold a small player draft maybe 10 rounds to fill holes for such things as player from 1960 may have retired or did not play that season and you have a hole in your roster .We then precede thru the remaining seasons until we play the 1966 season. After the 1966 season we play one more season under this format but with a twist. You to use any player on your final 1966 roster best season from 1960- 1966. so you can have 1961 Roger Marris in right field and the 1965 Maury Wills at Shortstop on the same team. The committee feels this will be away to test our skills not only as managers but as General managers ,it will encourage making decisions for not only the current season but with the future of the team in mind, It should encourage trades. This suggestion is open to all current and former members and our beloved Tony Nun aka coach. I looking forward to hearing your thoughts please feel free to post them for everyone to see. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts yours truly Hockey Puck I mean John Deodato head of research and development.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  7/14/2023 9:32:35 AM:
Thank you for your extensive research, Mr. Shark. Speaking of Mr. Shark, do you remember the TV show 'CPO Sharkey' starring the great Don Rickles? In honor of this I will now refer to you as a hockey puck. So nice job, Hockey Puck. I concur about the 1977 season. 1977 brings back memories of the great Mets teams of my youth. I can only hope that Kevin Kobel is available when my spot in the draft comes around.
John Deodato  posted the following message  7/13/2023 8:42:54 PM:
As the season comes to end it is time to start preparing for the next season. As head of the research and development I have done some extensive studying into the available seasons the strato-matic has available. My recommendation is that we play the 1977 season. I feel it would be interesting to play a season we once played and see how the cards are under the new format strato matic uses. If anyone has any thoughts feel free to post them on the message board for all to see.Thank you in advance John J Deodato Jr. head of research and development.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  5/27/2023 12:05:50 PM:
Are you calling our friends 'pinheads'? I concur.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  5/27/2023 5:53:56 AM:
Looks like this Strato season is as long as a bowling season. Yeesh!
Tony Nun  posted the following message  5/16/2023 6:14:55 PM:
With the JCAS! (Jackass?) and the Black Sox both winning series' this late, it looks like this dog of a season has ceased to bark. So congrats to the Sharks and manager John for a well-earned (soon to be) pennant victory! Funny thing is, he did it by beating up on Mike and Joe, whereas the two top contenders, Dan and Frank, were both slaughtered by the Black Sox all year, basically keeping them near the .500 mark all by themselves. Mike's team almost single-handedly gave the Sharks the pennant by losing to him and beating others. Does anyone else smell fix? I guess anything can happen in the playoffs but these head-to-head season records might be a preview. I hope the commissioner looks into these oddities.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  5/6/2023 8:54:42 AM:
So I'm in Colorado with the manager of the Jesus Christ All-Stars and former league participant Louis.

A one-act play:

TONY: So, Joe, you had a nice run in the middle of the season. Do you think you can catch John?
JOE: I've lost interest.
LOUIS: Maybe Dan will update his stats before the end of the year.
TONY: Come on! That's not the Joe I know! Fight like you mean it, and maybe, just maybe, you can turn this thing around!
JOE: I'm getting another beer.
LOUIS: Make it two.
CHRIS: I'm going to bed.
TONY: Really? That's it? You're all conceding the World Series to the Sharks?
JOE: Well, maybe if I shake up my lineup and pitch my relievers for nine innings . . .
TONY: That's the spirit! Your mental acuity will turn this baby around!
LOUIS: Yeah. That, and lots of hashish.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  5/1/2023 11:09:48 AM:
Little known fact: According to in 1971, the MLB leader with 20 outfield assists was Rusty Staub with the Montreal Expos. Well short of the single season record by Orator Shafer with 50 in 1879 while playing with the Chicago White Stockings.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  4/28/2023 6:24:33 PM:
Your Latino and Asian players eat a lot of rice and beans, and yet they make up 75% of the league. Huh!

Here's some advice: Take the hot dogs and fried chicken off the post-game losers' snack table and maybe with a little more energy from de-clogged arteries the Black Sox can eek out a series victory before the season is over.

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