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Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  1/24/2024 7:11:26 AM:
The 2024 Strato Winter Meetings in Phoenix from 3/01-3/05, the owners will attempt to see how revenue sharing for the live games will go. Attendance will be at maximum capacity and beer sales (not Bud Lite) will break previous seasons records.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  1/21/2024 12:08:12 PM:
Can't wait to go to Phoenix for the winter meetings. Maybe Eunice will trade for some Latinos this time around to salvage the season. Spanish-speaking people are people, too. Yikes! The weak might inherit the earth, but they're certainly not winning this season with Frank at the helm. Give my condolences to your wife.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  1/6/2024 8:04:12 AM:
So Roger Freed, a guy that played a total of 344 games over 8 seasons, with a BA of .245 & 22 career hrs (which he has at this seasons break 81 games), is a possible mid season MVP? Too bad he died in 1996, he would have loved to see how this season turns out.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  12/12/2023 11:46:32 AM:
The Sox have just completed their 69th game of the season. None of which have gone into extra innings. Zero. The money we're saving in overtime pay has made this abysmal season very profitable. Keep in mind, Mr. Nun, this is not a game, it's a business. I suggest you mind your own.

P.S. does anyone have the number for a homeless guy with a shiv? The last one I hired didn't finish the job.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  12/11/2023 8:48:32 PM:
One time I got a rock in my shoe and when I tried to empty it, a homeless guy came up to me and shanked me in the liver. The fucking liver, of all places. Yeah, that was a bad day.

But not as bad as draft day for the Black Sox. That was mentally-being-raped bad. I don't know what undersized white guys have to do to get a break around here.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  11/27/2023 6:08:23 PM:
The Black Sox have lost five in a row to Eunice, as of this writing. Jeez, didn't see that coming.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  11/13/2023 6:16:40 AM:
Let the record show that on November 11th Tony Nun came out of hibernation to lay a big old sloppy smooch on John. Thanks for your service, Tony.
Tony Nun  posted the following message  11/11/2023 8:49:03 AM:
The Sharks have four pitchers with at least five wins already, and Nino Espinosa is knocking on the door. Let me repeat that -- Nino Espinosa. Jesus, you other managers are pathetic compared to John's genius. But good news: Buck Showalter is available. (He never won either. Sounds like a perfect fit for you perennial losers.)
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  10/25/2023 1:29:43 PM:
Where's Tony Nun now that the Black Sox are hot? The WNBA season is over Tony, get your head back in the Strato game.
John Deodato  posted the following message  10/22/2023 2:32:21 PM:
Doug Flynn is Reggie Jackson on steroids.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  10/15/2023 5:17:58 PM:
Dan has dubbed Roger Freed “Broderick Perkins on steroids.” Roger will lead us to the promised land. Freed at last, Freed at last…
Tony Nun  posted the following message  10/14/2023 3:11:37 PM:
Mike's best player is Roger Freed? That doesn't bode well for the rest of the season. Early congrats to John for yet another championship. Maybe next offseason you can give these other guys some tips on how to draft to make the season more exciting.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  10/13/2023 2:49:04 PM:
Looks like this season has more angles than a door knob.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  10/9/2023 1:37:29 PM:
It's just easier to spell Freed than Yastrzemski.
John Deodato  posted the following message  10/7/2023 6:46:29 PM:
Coach commie Mike is at it again , he put his own guy Roger Freed over my guy Carl Yastrzemski in the RBI leaders despite Yaz having more RBI’s than Freed. It’s Don Gullett all over again.
Dan Falcone  posted the following message  9/22/2023 11:08:00 AM:
Ken Forsch was vanquished from the team before Opening Day. DAN SPEAKS.
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  9/20/2023 2:09:18 PM:
Ken Forsch, Mr Irrelevant in the 1977 Strato draft. Him and his brother Bob Forsch are the only brothers to throw no hitters.
Mike Aquilina  posted the following message  9/14/2023 9:45:33 AM:
The 1977 draft was held last night. I'd be shocked if my team wins less than 120 games. The stink of the last two seasons will be a distant memory when all is said and done. I look forward to the day that Becky enters the room and doesn't say, 'what's that smell?'
Tony Nun  posted the following message  9/5/2023 2:50:59 PM:
Ha! Jim Brewer . . . ? Isn't that Goatboy, the anti-Christ?
Eugene Cucinello  posted the following message  8/31/2023 10:01:07 AM:
Jesus saves not Brewer.

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