Strato 2020

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Gearing Up For the Playoffs

Medford, NY, 1991

From a personal point of view, the best thing I can say about Season II is, it only took about forty-five minutes to play the entire season.  After Season I, Frank decided he wouldn’t be playing in Season II.  This was a pattern that Frank followed for a great part of his Strato career.  As we came to learn, Frank was the league’s weak link.  For some strange reason, there were activities that Frank preferred over playing Strato.  Hey we all have our quirks, so I’m not even going to attempt to figure this guy out. 

Without Frank, we were left with four men who not only saw nothing wrong with playing up to eighteen games a night, but actually seemed to enjoy it.  There was little drama in the determination of which teams would make the playoffs. Mike became the first team to lose over 100 games.  And since this was a four-team league, it was obvious early in the season which three teams would make the playoffs.  Season II did have some drama, though.  Dan and Joe ended the season with identical 93 – 69 records.  Their first-place tie set the stage for a one-game regular-season playoff.  Joe won this contest to take his second consecutive divisional championship.  He was not able to win back-to-back World Championships, though.  Louis, who finished in third place, upset Dan in the Playoffs.  He then went on to beat Joe in another seven-game World Series. 

One of the all-time great Strato quotes is a product of Season II.  Some time after Louis had won the Season II World Series, Dan pointed out to Lou that he had done so with a sub .500 record (the only team in Strato history to hold this dubious distinction).  An undaunted Louis told Dan that the only reason his regular-season record was so weak was because he was “gearing up for the playoffs.”  To this day, when teams are not performing at a high level, their managers can be heard to say that they are just “gearing up for the playoffs.”

