Strato 2020

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The Quest for the Cup

Cyberspace, 2020

Way back in Season 1 of the Old League it was decided that we needed some sort of trophy to award to the league's champion. At that time we played in Mrs. Agostino's basement in Medford. Looking around the basement we came upon a silver-plated platter, about 9 inches by 6 inches, inscribed with "Port Jeff Bowl 200 Club." Perfect.

Back in those days the honorary title of Commissioner for the following season was bestowed upon the World Series winner. So it was only natural that we named the championship trophy "The Commissioner's Cup." And so it stood season after season. The Commissioner's Cup would pass from one World Series winner to the next. This was usually accompanied by a photo opportunity of the handing over of the Cup from the previous season's winner to the new champion.

The Cup finally made it into Mike Aquilina's hands after Classic Strato Season 3. And there it remained for the next 21 years. Over the years John often suggested getting the Cup engraved with the names of each winner. This never happened and the Cup remained unchanged. Until 2020. After all those years, the Cup remained physically the same (albeit a little more stained), but it was now time for a change in its moniker. In 2020, the Cup was renamed to honor our former colleague, Glenn Catron.

Now, after 5 months, 478 games, and countless clicks of the virtual dice, it was time to decide who would be the recipient of The Catron Cup.

First up was John and Dan's playoff series. Although the playoff series went a competitive six games, the individual games were not particularly close. As a matter of fact, only one game (Game 6) was decided by less than 4 runs. If John could have pulled out a victory in that particular game, he would have had a good shot at taking the series. He would have had co-Cy Young Award winner Tom Seaver scheduled to pitch the deciding Game 7. But that didn't happen. Dan took Game 6 and the series.

The stage was set for the World Series. Mike and Dan would be facing off in back-to-back World Series, separated by 21 calendar years. The two managers had faced each other three times in previous World Series, all of Mike's World Series appearances, with Dan ahead 2-1 in those head-to-head matchups.

The Series was played on October 2, 2020 which bode well for Mike. For smack dab in the middle of Mike's lineup was none other than Mr. October himself. Reggie Jackson lived up to his nickname, hitting .409 in the Series with 2 doubles, a triple, 2 homeruns, and 7 RBI. He took MVP honors and Mike took the Series in six games.

Thus concluded the first season in our return to Strato. There was nothing left to do but put away our cards, order a new set, and start preparing for Season 2 of Strato 2020.
