Strato 2020

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Man Alive, Season V (and VI)

Medford, NY, 1993-1994

After the circus that was Season IV, Joe decided to step away from the game.  The man who had won division championships in the league’s first four seasons decided that his desire to play had waned. 

With the departure of Joe, Frank, and Mike P, Season V began with three less teams than Season IV.  But aside from the inevitable slowdown at the end of the season due to John’s irregular schedule, there were no major bumps in the road.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Season V is the symmetry of the final standings.  Louis took first place with an 86-74 record, which was the reverse of Dan’s last place record of 74-86.  John finished in second place at 82-78, which was the reverse of Mike’s fourth place record of 78-82.  To balance things out, Eugene finished in third place with an 80-80 record. 

John took care of Eugene in the playoffs and would be facing Louis in the World Series.  This was to be Louis’ fourth Series and John’s first.  Experience was not a factor as John took the championship in six games.

Season VI was the first season that featured the same exact teams returning from the previous season - no expansion, no contraction.  Perhaps the biggest change was the addition of the 1927 player cards to the league’s player pool.  Babe Ruth (59) made an immediate impact by breaking Willie Mays’ (55) single-season homerun record. 

Dan went from worst to first, Louis finished second, and Eugene finished third.  For Eugene it was his third consecutive postseason.  Rounding out the standings were John and Mike.  Mike was shut out of the postseason for the sixth straight year.  The playoffs featured Louis sweeping Eugene and then losing a decisive seventh game to Dan in the World Series.       

